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Flash Flyer - Sakura+ Custom Card Game Rules +
The following rules are applicable to any card making games here, so please read them before you post.

1. All general site rules apply.

Self explanatory.

2. Do not skip prompts.

While I am more lenient than certain ex-colleagues are about this, actually do the prompts or leave them for someone else to.

You may ask questions though if the next prompt is unclear to you; that much is permitted.

3. Keep your designs within the internal game parameters.

(i.e. If you are allowed to use only 2 parameters like stats/materials/name, etc, please abide by those conditions.)

Most of them are the same, barring small differences. Please read them carefully.

4. Don't make another copy of an existing game.

As I do not have a necrobump policy (well, least for this section), you can just revive them at any time so there's no need to remake.

You may make custom card game design threads that offer something different. For example, "Create a Card" and "Create a Card w/pictures" are two different things and are permissible. I do advise on not making a game with very specific requirements.

5. Respect other member's designs and preferences.

Unlike a handful of veterans on YCM and to some extent, the non-affiliated Wikia (you guys know who they are) and some other card design "purists", I don't require that your stuff be perfectly balanced or to conform to "design schools".

Cards made in these games are intended for people to have fun and not worry about design preferences of other members.

If you disagree with someone's design choices, don't be a jackass about it or else I will bar you from this section for a period of time.

6. Limit the amount of next prompts that require doing AGM related support.

(Sakura, AGM is in the name of this site and you're telling us to limit them?)

I think we all know this, but unless we can get all of our archetypes over here from YCM (considering it is still down as of Sep 30th) or elsewhere they're posted, it's going to be VERY difficult, if not impossible, to do any prompts related to "support AGM stuff you didn't make". The exception would be with my stuff as I already ported them long ago and whatever's in the generic pool threads.

Even for members in here, it's impossible to know what we have (considering our pool is legitimately massive). As this site is technically open to non-members too, keep it generalized for the most part.

Yeah, I think you know the drill by now so... have fun!
One thing that I did add on YCM's version of this (but not here) is a rule regarding not berating other members for their designs.

Unlike a handful of veterans over there (you guys know who they are) and maybe on the non-affiliated Wikia/Fandom, I don't require that your stuff be perfectly balanced or to conform to "design schools". All of us have different mentalities on design and it should be obvious that Konami can/will create cards that will break even the most balanced cards of the time [should be clear with some of the banlist hits].

Cards made in these games are intended for you to have fun and not worry about design preferences of other members.

But yeah, this boils down to "please respect other member's designs and preferences". Considering this site was only "leaked" to members in AGM (and I should know who all of you are by now), I don't think I need to mention this too much.

Other than that, nothing changes here.
Added rule 6 about AGM specific prompts in the game.

While not barred, try to limit any legacy support prompts for them in the games until everyone ports their stuff over (or whatever you are able to). At the time of writing, YCM's still in maintenance (and I wouldn't be surprised if it gets shuttered with everything on it).

But yeah, just port your stuff over.

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